Throughout my career, I have experienced
many highs and lows. By highs, I refer to the progression of my career and the
opinions of my superiors; by lows, I refer to the gossip spread about me and
various attempts to destroy my reputation. In all lows, there is a consistent
theme of my superiors and their peers supporting me; however, what I notice
about myself is that I pay attention to the gossip. I let it get into my heart
and mind and I focus on it. I sit here wondering why I focus on the negative,
when the positive is also true, and the positive is in the minds of those that
can keep me or fire me! A very wise and dear friend once said to me Keep those positive comments coming back and
remember, if the criticism isn’t productive, constructive, and fact based, it
doesn’t deserve further consideration. Truer words were never spoken.
In all lows in our life, we need to focus
on the highs; the positives. In all lows there can be lessons, which we should
also pay attention to; however, if you combine the positives with the
negatives, the negatives become lessons learned and all in all, you can turn
what you perceive as a negative situation, into a positive. Given enough time,
you can even learn to be grateful for the negative because you learned
something. Whether it is about yourself, or about human nature, you learned. If
you find yourself in a series of lows, stop and take stock of your life, not
the lives of those either creating or participating in the low. If the criticism isn’t productive,
constructive, and fact based, it doesn’t deserve further consideration.
Regardless of your mode of remembering things, keep this one in front of you.
In all lows in our life are lessons. Pay
attention to the lesson and how it pertains to who you are, who you want to be,
and what perception of yourself you want to portray to others. Then be grateful
for the lesson and move on. Don’t become victim to others perception of you. If
you want to change how others view you, then change yourself and how you
portray yourself to the world. If you want to play victim, that is also your
choice; however, you will have a far happier life either learning the lesson or
ignoring the situation. Regardless, the message I am trying to give you is the
same…let it go!
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